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Pat's Family Cooking Tips
Hope these will help you out in some way.

Place a piece of chalk in a sliver chest to absorb moisture and slow tarnishing.

To unclog a drain, try using a cup of salt mixed with a cup of baking soda (no liquid). Pour the dry solution into the drain followed by a pot of boiling water.

Keep plastic wrap in the refrigerator to prevent it from sticking to itself when handled.

When glasses are stuck together, just fill the top one with cold water and the dip the bottom one in hot water.

One cup of grated cheese is equal to 1/4 pound cheese.

Hamburgers will cook faster if you make a few punctures in them before cooking. This allows the heat to circulate more evenly.

To keep fat from splattering when frying bacon, sprinkle a small amout of salt in the frying pan.

Try brushing the bottom crust of fruit pies with egg whites to prevent the fruit juices from soaking in.

A teaspoon of vinegar added to pie dough will help make the crust flaky.

Either keep foods cold or hot. It's the mid-ranges that causes the most bacteria growth.

Baking soda makes an excellent fire extinguisher. It smothers the flames by cutting off the oxygen supply.

Save money by buying the least expensive dishwasher soap. Then add a few teaspoons of vinegar to the dishwasher. The vinegar cuts the grease and leaves the dishes spot-free.

Place a piece of aluminum foil under your napkin or paper towel in a bread basket to keep the bread or rolls warmer longer.

Place a damp paper towel over meat or cheese platters to help retain the moistness and slow the drying out time.

To ripen fruit, place it in a brown paper bag, in a dark place for a few days.

Apples will spoil 10 time faster at room temperature. Keep ripe apples in the refrigerator.

"Belive it or not" Salt will make a grapefruit taste sweeter.

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